Tube Wells

Tube Wells



Boreholes and tubewells are important adaptation technology measures for providing a water supply to crops and domestic use at Agro Excellence. Current borings/tubewells at Agro Excellence farms are 70 feet long in depth with 12 inches diameter castings, 4-inch diameter pipe and a pump lifting full 4-inch diameter water with strong pressure, adequate for the supply of water to two farms of 48 Kanals each. The land is blessed with underground water level at 7-10 feet’s, having almost zero drop down level with use.

Pumps, lifting 3 inches of underground water from 70 feet depth would be sufficient to water one standard farmland.


One-time capital cost with low operating expense, is effective to provide bulk underground sweet water to crops and domestic use at Agro Excellence. 7 KVA solar system is estimated to be sufficient for lifting 3 inches of underground water to each farm land and 10KVA solar system, lifting 4 inches for two farmlandsÂ