Tube Well Irrigation


Irrigation/providing water to Agro Excellence soil is possible through various systems of tubes, pumps, and sprays based on the requirement of the planted crops throughout the growing season to enhance the complete nourishment of the crop, arises from its groundwater.

Irrigation engineering is a science of planning and designing an efficient, low-cost, economic irrigation system tailored to fit natural conditions.

The best part to promote agriculture and make sure domestic food security, government and private organizations have multiple initiatives, schemes and projects, providing financial and technical support for all types of irrigations time to time.

According to Crops reporting services, directorate for agriculture, Punjab reports (2020-2021), 57% of Talagang land is under cultivation.

Surface Irrigation

In February 2023, Agro Excellence Farms has initiated plantation and cultivation in few farms (levelled and ready for cultivation) through solar tube wells, HDP pipes and earth gravitational channels. The pumping pressure of underground water lifting is of full capacity (i.e. 4 inch dia), water is further distributed in the middle of the farm through HDP pipes of 4 inch dia in to earth channels via T-connectors and locking caps

Micro Irrigation

Also called drip irrigation or sprinkler is Pressurized irrigation systems (sprinkler and drip) are expensive but operationally economical and easy to operate, uses a network of soaker hoses, pipes, timers, and even sensors, water is applied directly to the soil where the roots of the plants would benefit most are used to convey water from the source to the points of use and is therefore the most efficient type of irrigation system for agriculture
